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Infinite Nutrients News

8 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

8 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Oct. 3, 2017 | Diet

When the topic of a “plant-based diet” is discussed, most people have a stereotypical assumption about…

5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy

5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy

Sept. 14, 2017 | Energy

Do you feel like you always need a cup of coffee in hand just to get through the day? Many people agree that…

Polyphenols: 4 Benefits to Transform Your Health and Vitality

Polyphenols: 4 Benefits to Transform Your Health and Vitality

Aug. 27, 2017 | Polyphenols

Polyphenols is a buzzword in the natural healthcare industry right now, and you might be wondering why so many…

Prebiotics and Probiotics: The Best Combo for a Healthy Gut

Prebiotics and Probiotics: The Best Combo for a Healthy Gut

Aug. 5, 2017 | Prebiotics

It is common knowledge that probiotics are the “good” bacteria that support digestive function. But, there is…

Top 4 Hidden Health Hazards Lurking in Your Kitchen

Top 4 Hidden Health Hazards Lurking in Your Kitchen

July 16, 2017 | Health

Nutrient labels can be deceptive, making it hard for you to choose foods that will truly support your health. Even if…

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